Day 4…. I think.

Today is day 4. Right?  Everything is starting to run together!! We are all starting to get a little tired, but it is a good, been working hard, kind of tired.
VBS was great today!! Music, bible story, rec, and craft! The whole nine yards was wonderful. All of the kids are starting to get in the routine of how things are done!
Bike Rodeo went GREAT today!! We had 6 participants! Thankfully, Walmart in Anchorage donated a few bikes for us to give to our winners! We also took a bike to give to our participant who scored the lowest. We wanted the kids to understand that we have been granted grace and so we used the rodeo as an example of that wonderful grace we’ve been given!
Tonight for dinner we went to the DNR Picnic! It was so incredible! Best hamburgers ever, watermelon, and ice cream!! Oh, we got to hang out with the community and see cool helicopters too!! It was just a great time to chill and just feel like a true part of the community.
Kids could go into the helicopters and see all the fire fighters gear!!

Even Kayla got in on the action!
We had such a great time tonight!
Tomorrow be praying for our final day of VBS and our Parent’s Night!! We are excited to get to show off all our kids have learned. Tomorrows Verse of the Day is Psalm 145:3!
Get excited! The parsonage is looking super AWESOME!!!! Tim has worked super hard on it! We will get a picture up here tomorrow night of all the work he has done with a few other men of the church.
Have a great Thursday!
Bush Alaska Missions



