Marvelous Monday!!

Good Afternoon Everyone!!

We are so excited to share with you our first Marvelous Monday!! Now what a Marvelous Monday is, is something to bring a little light to the normally dreaded Monday.  God made Mondays, so they must be good for something right? Well every Monday we are going to share with you a little information on the Bush Alaska Missions or something that we think is cool!

Todays MM is a little information about a t-shirt we will be selling!  This t-shirt will be sold by each of our team members to help them raise funds for their mission trip to Alaska. The shirts will be sold for $25 dollars and of course higher donations are accepted.  The majority of the money will go to the team member selling the shirt and a little of it will help to pay for each t-shirt.  It will be the team members job to get it to you if you purchase one!

We hope you like the design! A mock shirt of it will be added to the blog once it is received from the company.

Come back and check out the blog later this week to see about future trips for 2013! We can’t wait to let you in on all we’ve been planning!

Bush Alaska Missions



