It seems like everywhere you go during the month of December people ask the same question. At the grocery checkout counter–“Are you ready for Christmas?” At the bank drive through window–“Are you ready for Christmas?” At the doctor’s office–“Are you ready for Christmas?”

I think the answer to that question depends on how you define “ready.” Let’s ask ourselves this question: “Am I ready for Jesus?” Now that puts the idea of being ready in a whole different Christmas light, doesn’t it?

What do you think it means to be “ready for Christmas”? What do you think it means to be “ready for Jesus”?

Last night I mentioned the word Selah…a word used many times in the Psalms, which means “pause,” “stop and listen,” or even “pause and think calmly of that.”. Well, I guess I needed to hear it AGAIN! I was reading a devotion this morning and I was taken to a website that I use a lot, The Skit Guys.This was the video that I found.

Today has been a Selah day…I had an awesome time of worship early this morning in my quiet-time! After a few hours of making final preparations for the big Christmas Treat Saturday, there was time for a rest! What a good rest it was! But the greatest rest I think the Lord is trying to show me is the Selah rest…that rest that can be found only in Him. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27. This is the peace that Christ brought that Christmas night. Yes, He was born a baby and laid in a manger. But He was, and always will be the Prince of Peace.

Take a Selah moment over the next couple of days and run to the manger like the Shepherds did…take that long journey to the home of Jesus as the Wise Men did, and fall down and worship the Prince of Peace!

Until Saturday night’s good news from the last Christmas Treat…good night!

Christie & Mike



