Application Day!!!

Hello friends!

We sure hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday today! However, incase someone isn’t, we have MARVELOUS MONDAY!!! So get ready, because today we are giving you our application form!! Attached you will find the form.  The application form is a way for us to get to know you and see where you are in life! Along with the application we are requiring a $150 application fee. This can be turned in at the meeting in January (look below). All you need to do is follow these instructions:

1) Pray about the trips and see if God is leading you to go on a short term mission trip to Alaska.

2) If He is which trip (refer back to previous MM’s for trip info.).

3) Fill out application
         -Click on this link for the application. Click here.
         -When the window opens go to File and download the document.
         -Fill out all required fields and save it as your name and BAM. Ex: “Johnny Appleseed-BAM”

4) Email it to [email protected] with “Alaska Mission Trip Application” in the subject line.

5) Come to our meeting on January 21st at 6:00 with all the questions you could possibly have! If you would like to print off your application and turn it in at the meeting along with the $150 deposit you can. (Location TBA)

Now is the time to get down on your knees and pray. We have been praying that God send the people He wants and we know He will.  Again, if you have any questions feel free to contact us!

Bush Alaska Missions



