One Day Late

Hey guys!! Sorry we forgot to post yesterday’s Marvelous Monday! So here is a Terrific Tuesday for you!!!

We are releasing the dates for our 2013 Mission Trips to the great state of Alaska. Now keep in mind these are tentative, but these are the dates we are shooting for.

April 12-21
-This will strictly be a work trip to get as much as the parsonage finished as possible! So put on your working gloves!!

June 14-24
-This trip will be our Vacation Bible School trip and we wil

l probably take a few people to finish the parsonage up, depending on how the April trip goes.

August 4-11
-This is what we are calling our “winterize” trip! Alaska obviously gets pretty cold during the winter, so we are going to go help get the town ready and chop some fire wood! We might even pick a few of those delicious Alaskan blueberries!

Well there they are! We hope that you all find this as exciting as we do! If you have any questions about anything feel free to message/contact us and we will lead you to one of our core leaders.

The application will be put up soon and be looking back to find out dates on our January meeting that you can attend if you are interested in sharing the Gospel in Alaska!

Bush Alaska Missions



