Blog Time!!!

Sorry for the delay! We have been going going going! 

Parsonage! Check out how much work these guys got done! They’re so awesome! 

Our Tim worked so hard! And he always remembered to take his vitamins! 

We were extremely sad, some more than others, to leave our new community. After a week all of these people become like family! 
“Airport” picture heading out.

We made it back to Anchorage and filled our mini-van to the brim. Literally. 

We went to eat at a yearly stop, the Sourdough Mining Co. and got to go across the street for souvenirs at Alaska Wildberry Products! 

We got to see a reindeer! 

Here is a pretty view for you southerners! Think about walking out of your Walmart and seeing this view! It was crazy! 

Now we are headed on Alaska Railroads to Seward, AK to go on a boat into Resurrection Bay and eat on an island! 

Keep praying for safety friends! Love you guys! Next blog tomorrow! 

Side Note: Our flight out of Anchorage leaves at 3:45 PM and we will return to Montgomery around 10:35 AM Monday morning!
Bush Alaska Missions



