June 26, 2014 VBS Fun Day

On Thursday we held the first annual VBS Fun Day. We had plans to have a big scavenger hunt but the weather was not co-operating with us. But, the kids came and we huddled together and came up with Plan B! The team has had to make some adjustments to the plans this week, but all went very well.

We started Fun Day by practicing our songs for the VBS closing program. The kids learned 3 brand new songs this week, and Power was their favorite! We had a fun time playing “Bust The Balloon”, “Musical Chairs”, “Dead Horse”, “The Cookie Game”, and Simon Says”.



We had a blast playing games, and really worked up an appetite. Pastor Wayne, I mean Chef Wayne, grilled some awesome hot dawgs for the kids and their parents. Talk about whoofing down some dawgs! These kids did a number on the hot dawgs! Even Toby, Chef Wayne’s chocolate lab, got to enjoy a good hot dawg!
We closed the day with the kids program. We had about 20 parents join us for dinner and the program.The kids shared the songs they learned this week. WOW, what an awesome job they did tonight, and all week. After the songs, I had a chance to share the Gospel by briefly reviewing what the kids had learned during the Bible story time.
As always, it seems about the time you really get going the week comes to a close. This was a great group of kids and we had a chance to really connect with many of them during the week. The church faith family did an awesome job as always in taking care of us. Thanks to everyone that made this week a huge success for the Kingdom! Looking forward to 2015!




