Sunday June 22, 2014 VBS Day 1

What a gorgeous day in the bush of Alaska! You should be here…fresh, crisp, cool air and the beauty of the mountains surrounding the village of McGrath, Alaska. God does great work in ALL He does. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8

WOW…what an awesome day 1 of VBS. The kids came in ready to get started. One little girl asked me before we even got started, “When are we going to have snacks!” Got to love it!


It was so good to see so many new faces this year. We had 8 kids that had never been to a VBS at this church! For the first day we had 25 kids! What an incredible start to the week! We had a great kick-off day as we started a great Scavenger Hunt to “Find Our Place In God’s Story!”

To end the day we had an invitation to join some local fisherman (Tony and Tim) on a night, well, according to our time of the day, fishing trip. These guys had been talking about a sweet little fishing spot they had found down river…so we were very excited.

After a beautiful boat ride down the river we pulled into the spot they had fished the past week. It did not take long for us to catch a couple of She Fish. I am not sure how they knew it was a “she” and not a “he”…lol! That is the type of fish we caught, very popular on this river!


The biggest laugh we got was when Leah caught her fish…we have never seen so much excitement…don’t let the smile on her face in this picture fool you…the video would have been priceless! She almost knock Tony out of the boat as she reeled the fish in….them it fell off the hook in the boat and started flopping around, and Leah had nowhere to run to get away from it. She almost knocked Melynda out of the boat.
Then a beautiful midnight ride back home….what an amazing day!



