Christie Arrives In McGrath

It has been 2 week since I have this lady, and I was glad to see her get off the plane in McGrath. I am looking forward to our time in McGrath. The Father has some neat plans for our work here.

I have to say that this is going to be a major adjustment for us both. We are staying in Pastor Wayne’s home, which is a very nice home, which he built himself with the wood off the land it was built. The only difference from this home and most home back home…they chose no inside “facilities” and no running water. I have been here a week and I love it. But I have to show Christie’s first trip to the facilities…well, not the WHOLE trip! She will probably kill me!

I think I am ready to go on Life Below Zero, or Yukon Men! I even saw a moose off my porch! Guess he wanted to know what was for dinner!

Next week we start outreach in the village. This has not been done much, and we are not sure what the reception will be. But we will carrying cookies and treats with us to give to each home. Please pray for the Father’s favor on this work. We really feel like this is what we are supposed to do!

Stay tuned for incredible updates!



