McGrath Community Church Update – November 17, 2015

GREAT NEWS…got word yesterday that the water has been connected in the church parsonage! Whoop…Whoop…!

So…our tentative plans are to head back to Anchorage on Tuesday December 8, spend a few days in Anchorage picking things that we can ship/take to McGrath cheaper, then head back to McGrath on Friday December 11!

Christie and I, along with the church, are in the process of getting all the furnishings together! Things are coming together very well! Hopefully we can get everything picked out, ordered, and shipped up prior to us getting to McGrath.

I am very excited at how the church has come together and worked really hard to get this project completed. These are some amazing people and we are looking forward to serving with them.

We are looking forward to the annual Christmas Eve service that is attended by many in the village. I had heard great things about this service. 

WEBSITE UPDATE: We are getting close to having the website up and running. Once it is up we will be tweaking it and adding features to it. But the big thing will the centralizing the blog, online giving, and all the updates you will need about the work in McGrath, the work of Momentum Ministries.

Please be in prayer for Christie and I over the next couple of weeks as we prepare to head to our new opportunity for sharing the love of our Savior!






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