Home Sweet Home…and it ain’t Alabama

Home        Snow             Street

It is McGrath, Alaska, the Last Frontier! And it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Can you say WHITE CHRISTMAS!

Welcome to our new home! Isn’t it a beautiful sight! I know that you are jealous, so call your travel agent and come on up. We will find room for you! We have been here for almost a week and we are having a blast. The parsonage is getting settled in and Christie has it almost like she likes it. I just need to get my area set up upstairs and all the boxes and suitcases will be unpacked. It is looking and feeling real “homey and cozy” in here. The church folks and several work crews have done a great job in getting this home completed. All it needed was a little “southern” flavor!

When we arrived last week we were met with some sad news. A 24 year old young man from the village was out riding his snowmobile on the frozen river and hit a lead in the water and the machine went in with him on it. Most of the village, and many from surrounding villages, have been working long hours every day trying to locate the body. It has been so encouraging to see how much this village comes together when someone, or a family, is in need. The search has been slowed due to a heavy slush buildup under the frozen river. The slush goes down about 10-15 feet in some areas. The search teams have been very methodical in how they have searched, but as of today all efforts have come up empty. Please pray for the family of this young man, and this village. He was a Marine, and from everyone I have talked to he was a class guy! On Wednesday eight of his Marine friends flew in to help with the search.

I am sharing a Christmas series with the church called, “Christmas Expectations – What Are You Looking For?” Last week was Part 1, “Great Expectations”, and we looked at the expectations that Israel had for the promised King, that God had for the King who would to provide reconciliation of man back to Him, and the expectations that many have today as Christmas approaches. This week Part 2 will be, “The Expected One Arrives”. We will look back at that night in Bethlehem, and see who was impacted by the birth of the King. The focus will be on Luke 2:19, “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” What was it Mary “pondered” in her heart; what are we pondering in our hearts as Christmas fast approaches? Then next week will be Part 3, “Did You Get What You Expected?”. We will look back at Christmas and see if we got what we really expected this Christmas, looking at the magi that came in search of the Christ Child.

Christie and I want to thank all of you all for praying for us. We are really excited about the opportunity the Lord has opened up for us. We want to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas. Please find some time over the next few days to sit around the manger, read the birth accounts in the Gospels, and let the huge impact that night over 2,000 years ago has had on the world, and ask what impact has it had on my life!





