FaceTime – Face to Face Encounters


We started a new series this Sunday called “FaceTime- Face To Face Encounters”. Over the next several weeks we will be looking at people in Scripture that had a “face to face” encounter with God and how that FACE TIME changed, or not changed their life. I was praying last week about the message to share next and that word, FaceTime, came to my mind and I could not get it off. The first picture that came to mind was two champion fighters standing in the middle of the ring before the fight getting their final instructions…each fighter looking into the other fighter’s eyes with as mean a look as he can. You know what  I am talking about…you’ve seen it. Each fighter giving the other fighter that “I am going to take you down” look. Then the Rocky theme song fades in! (I could not resist, I had to throw that last part in for fun). This Sunday we looked at one of my favorite passages of Scripture, Isaiah 6:1-9. Isaiah got a chance to “see” the Lord with a new set of eyes, and what he saw changed his life. The overall question we are asking is, “Have You REALLY Seen Jesus”. I mean really seen Jesus for WHO He is and WHAT He has done to get us to the place we are. Isaiah had the chance to, See God for who He is; See Himself for who he was; and See the New Vision God had for him. If you really read those nine verses, you cannot just read them and say, “That was a neat vision!” You will have to say as Isaiah said in v5, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts!” What an amazing passage this is!

On Saturday January 23, we will kick off our weekly kids club called K4G (Kids 4 God). It has been a long time since we had the kids together so we are excited about starting this. This weekly kids club will replace the Saturday night pizza for the under 11 kids, which will going forward be for Jr High and Sr High kids. To make this club special for the kids, we are nicknaming it “Sloppy Saturday” as we are going to serve them a snack lunch each week of sloppy joes, chips, cookie and drink! Please be in prayer for this ministry as we are hoping to make connections with most of the elementary kids.

The weekly Saturday night pizza party has been going great with the Jr and Sr High kids. We had eight at the last pizza night and when it was time to leave they wanted to stay longer. I was very encouraged at a conversation the leaders had after all the kids had left. One of the leaders said that this pizza night has been going on for quiet a while, and it has been good to hang out with the kids. The leader said that they felt like it was time to start moving toward the spiritual aspect of this ministry. A suggestion was made to offer a Bible study to see who might be interested. This will be a big move, but one that I was excited to hear mentioned. This is a very hard group of kids to reach, so please be in prayer for the leaders.

Valentines Day is just around the corner. Christie and I have been discussing having a Valentine’s Day Date Night for the couples in the community. The local hotel and bar have done these in the past, and as of this writing there has not been any announcement of one. We decided that we are going to step out and do it! We only have room at the church for about ten couples, so this will be a first come, first serve guest list. We want to decorate real nice, have candles, and serve a nice meal. The current menu will be chicken casserole, green beans, wild rice, Red Velvet and Chocolate cake. We are even thinking about playing the Newlywed Game…no, not like the TV show, I would be on the first Pen Air flight out of McGrath. But a clean version. We think it will be fun. And to make this more of an outreach we have decided to not charge for the event. Christie really felt strong about this. We are going to put this on the McGrath Message Board this week. As is the “norm” in this community, we will probably not know who will come so we are planning to have enough to serve ten couples, with extra if we need it. I am excited about the event, to see how the Lord will use this. If you would like to make a donation to help this, please visit our website (www.momentuministries.org) where you can securely donate with a Paypal account or credit card. You can also make a check out to Momentum Ministries and mail it to Momentum Ministries, c/o Hannah Cooper, 85 Co Rd 269, Valley Grande, AL  36701.

I need to put out an opportunity for any of you VBS folks. The annual VBS that we have been doing is scheduled for June 22 or 23 through July 2. Many of the folks who have been coming are running into various conflicts this year. So if any of you think you might be interested please email me at [email protected]. I will be glad to send you some information. It is a great week with the kids, usually a group of 25 – 35 depending on who all is in the village. It is a trip like none other you have been on, especially the opportunity to see America’s Last Frontier. It is nothing like you see on reality Alaska television!

We are very excited as things are really kicking into gear here. The weather has been pretty nice, mostly hanging around the -5 to 20 range. The folks here tell us this is a very warm winter. So far the day temps are usually in the -30s. Can you say brrrrrrrrrrr. And Mamma Bear is loving her cold weather. Today it was in the -5 area when we came to the house after church (well, we just live behind the church), and I have to tell you something I thought I would never hear…Christie said she was a little cold!   

We want to thank all of you who are praying for us. We can really feel the prayers. One thing you can put on the list for this week is an interview I have with the McGrath Library. There has been a position open for a Part-Time Library Director for some time and I have talked with the person on the Library Board about the job. It is only a few hours per week, and it would provide some additional monthly support. The biggest thing I like about the opportunity is I will get to meet a lot of people, especially the kids!


Christie has been on moose patrol for the past two weeks, but we have not seen Lucy and her calf, or Henrietta and her calves. We did see one this morning at the school, but she never made it to our house. The State Trooper in town has been warning the community about the moose in town. Apparently, someone has been feeding the moose which is against the law. Hmmmmm…wonder who it could be!

We love all you guys! You are welcome to come up any time and visit! If you are just sitting around with nothing to do, drop us a note, send us some Chik-fil-a french fries, Subway sandwiches…you know, the things you take for granted until it costs you $400 round trip to town! But life here is AWESOME!

Check out these awesome words from Psalm 46:2-11 (NLT) 

So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam.
    Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Selah

A river brings joy to the city of our God, the sacred home of the Most High. God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed.
    From the very break of day, God will protect it. The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble! God’s voice thunders,
    and the earth melts! The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. Selah

Come, see the glorious works of the Lord: See how he brings destruction upon the world. He causes wars to end throughout the earth.
    He breaks the bow and snaps the spear; he burns the shields with fire. “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. Selah



