Saturday June 21, 2014 Getting ready for VBS

Countdown to VBS has begun! 24 hours and lots of kids will be coming to the McGrath Community Church and “Finding Their Place In God’s Story”. We have a very exciting week planned. We talked to a lot of kids today and they are excited about coming.

Today their was a “Fun Day In The Park” planned by one of the local vendors. Many families gathered in the park for an afternoon of fun, games and food. We had the opportunity to see many of the kids who have come to VBS in the past, and met some new kids that have never been before.

Dude, we are supposed to do what with this?
You pick it up! No, YOU pick it up!

Do we really look like rabbits? I cannot believe I am doing this!

So far I have kept the ladies in line! They went shopping this morning. Jimmy, Melynda said to not worry, she only bought snacks!

Tonight was pizza night for the youth at the Funk’s house. This has become a weekly treat for the youth to gather, hang out and eat homemade pizza. It was a good time to spend some time with the kids.

We will be leading the service at the McGrath Community Church Sunday morning at 11am. We are very excited about sharing in worship and the Word with this faith family. Please be in prayer for us. We are praying the Father will speak to many hearts through His Word.




