Thursday June 19, 2014. A Little Delay To Start The Day

Well, we were all on time to the airport, but apparently the aircraft mechanic did not do his thing last night….so we did not leave as scheduled! There was a mad dash to the ticket counter to get rebooked! Needless to say, most everyone had tight connections in Dallas.

When I finally got to the ticket counter the young agent had dealt with a lot of “stressed” customers, but had handled them very well. But when he looked at our flights he had to call in the calvary! We could get to Seattle but not to Anchorage…all flights, all airlines were booked! Wow, I cant wait to see why everyone is headed to Anchorage…must have heard the Momentum VBS team was headed there!

Thanks to Mr Jeff Blum we got a connection and now we are booked direct from Dallas to Anchorage, just getting there a little later. God is so good and ALWAYS in control.

Sidenote: Leah told Christie that if she pushed certain buttons on the candy machine money would start falling out. Well she tried it and nothing happened..duh! A short time later a guy walked up to the same machine and just pushed some buttons…guess what…money started coming out! Leah started laughing so hard she started to cry! Christie claimed that was her money! I will pray with her when we get on the plane! 🙂



