Last hours in Alaska

We have made it through security and are awaiting our flight to Seattle! 

Yesterday we had an incredible day trip to Seward! Saw lots of wildlife, glaciers, and beautiful mountains! 
We saw puffins, sea otters, sea lions, tons of birds, humpback whales, moose, bear, and killer whales! Here’s the best picture we got for the blog! 

There were about 6 killer whales that swim right under our boat! It was insane!
Here are some other pretty pictures taken from the day trip.

We stopped at Fox Island for lunch! It was delicious! 

Our group picture in Seward with the train and mountains! 

It was a very memorable day. 
This morning we went to church with our host family and then headed to the airport. It’s been a phenomenal trip and we couldn’t have asked for better people to stay with the entire time. 
Continue praying for safe travels as we make our way back to the lower 48 and head down to Alabama! We will update when we have landed at each stop along the way.
Love you guys so much and we sure hope you have enjoyed the blog!
Bush Alaska Missions 



