It’s Here!!!!

Hello World!!!

        After a year of planning, meetings, and lots of time in the Word we are finally prepared to head off for Alaska!! We leave Friday morning at 6:45 AM and will make it to Anchorage by 6:30 PM. It will be a full day of travel, but needed time to discuss last minute details amongst our team.

Things you need to know and be praying for:

    -Pray for our team- Mike, Christie, Kayla, Tim, Charlene, and Jenna
    -Pray for VBS that we will be leading
    -Pray for our Bicycle Rodeo
    -Pray for safe travels
    -Pray we share God’s Word every chance we get
    -Pray that our relationships within the community be strengthened

        Throughout the week we will strive to update the blog every night with what God is doing and how the day has gone. If we miss a night, please forgive and look the next night! Things can get crazy!

Check back tomorrow for a schedule of what we will be doing throughout the week!

Lastly, I leave you with this verse. It is what will be on our t-shirts and what pushes us to make this trip.

“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” -Psalm 96:3

Bush Alaska Missions






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