Happy New Years Eve!!

Happy New Years Eve Saints!!!

Today we want to share with you a story of someone in Brazil. One day a couple of years ago, a mother had a child born with Down Syndrome. As the doctors tried to explain the ups and downs of Down Syndrome the mother told the doctor she would pray to God and He would heal her son. The doctor told her it wasn’t possible for he spoke of the science diagnosis. The mother thought for sure that her family would back her up in praying, but she was wrong. Although this mother had a ton of resistance towards her belief that prayer could heal her child, she prayed anyways.

Every year for 4 years the mother would pray and on the sons birthday make a cake for Jesus and pray that He heal her son in the next year. Nothing happened for 4 years, but on his 5th birthday things began to change and by his 6th birthday the son was completely HEALED!!!

Now that is a God thing. Remember in 2013 that God holds the big picture and we should take everything to him in Prayer(Philippians 4:6). We may not see our answer right away, but we must remember God has it under control. Something hard for all of those control freaks out there!

Have a blessed New Year!!
Bush Alaska Missions



