Category: Alaska

  • The Dilemma Of Obedience

    Have you ever had that moment when you thought, “I Wonder if that was God’s voice?” I don’t mean like an audible voice, though He is God and if he chooses to speak OUT LOUD He can, but that still small voice inside. Yea, me too! Most of the time it is, “Mike, do you…

  • Are You Fresh For Everything?

      I am sure you are familiar with the meeting between Jesus and Nicodemus, the Pharisee, in John chapter 3. Brother Nic came to Jesus in the dark of night for fear he might be seen by the other Pharisees! His question for the Rabbi was, “How can a man be born again when he…

  • FaceTime – Face to Face Encounters

    We started a new series this Sunday called “FaceTime- Face To Face Encounters”. Over the next several weeks we will be looking at people in Scripture that had a “face to face” encounter with God and how that FACE TIME changed, or not changed their life. I was praying last week about the message to share next and…

  • Happy New Year

    Welcome to 2016! 2015 is in the rear-view mirror and hopefully you are looking forward with GREAT expectations to the new year. 2016 is laid out before us like a field of fresh fallen snow just waiting for us to make our footprints in it…are you ready! Then let’s go! We had a great New Years’s Eve party at…

  • Closing Out 2015

      Wonderful Winter Wonderland To Close 2015 As 2015 is coming to a close, we are settling in pretty good! The weather has been fairly “mild” the last week or so. Well, mild to this area. It was 47 today, which broke the previous record of 43 set in 1977! NOTICE: that temp is on…

  • Merry Christmas from McGrath Alaska

    It is getting to look A LOT like Christmas here, how about where you are? This will be our first white Christmas since moving from Illinois back to Alabama…now to ALASKA! The only thing missing is the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. We have a oil stove and it keeps the place pretty…

  • Home Sweet Home…and it ain’t Alabama

                          It is McGrath, Alaska, the Last Frontier! And it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Can you say WHITE CHRISTMAS! Welcome to our new home! Isn’t it a beautiful sight! I know that you are jealous, so call your travel agent and come on…

  • McGrath Community Church Update – November 17, 2015

    GREAT NEWS…got word yesterday that the water has been connected in the church parsonage! Whoop…Whoop…!So…our tentative plans are to head back to Anchorage on Tuesday December 8, spend a few days in Anchorage picking things that we can ship/take to McGrath cheaper, then head back to McGrath on Friday December 11!Christie and I, along with…

  • McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update November 11, 2015

    Just Think About ItTony Campolo was speaking to a conference of about 300 women. Before he was to speak the president of the organization was giving updates and read a moving letter from a missionary. The missionaries had spoke of their need for $4,000. The president said, “We need to pray that the Lord will…

  • McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update October 26, 2015

    McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update October 26, 2015

    Update on the ministry in McGrath, Alaska Things seem to be progressing on the parsonage in McGrath. We have been in contact with several folks from the church and they say it is really taking shape inside! That is very good news. I am not sure what is the status of the plumbing and water…