Category: Alaska

  • McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update August 14, 2015

    McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update August 14, 2015

    Hope everyone is doing well! It has been a very good week here. Woke up this morning and it was 39 outside! Can anyone in the south say that is C O L D! Yea, you need for us to send some of it down your way? I will talk to the local weatherman, Tony,…

  • McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update August 9, 2015

    McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update August 9, 2015

    Greetings from McGrath Alaska where it is a cool 53 today and light rain. To all our friends back in Alabama we are so sorry for all the heat. You are welcome to come visit! We have still been having Internet issues and the library has not been very consistent with adhering to their schedule!…

  • McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update July 26, 2015

    McGrath Community Church Mission Work – Update July 26, 2015

      “We live our lives before the wild, dangerous, unfettered and free character of the living God.” (Walter Brueggemann) “Perhaps God, as the Author of the Story we’re all living in, would tilt the scale in a favorable direction if we knew we could trust him. And therein lies our dilemma. There seems to be…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – Reflections from Lynett Smith

    Words can’t express how wonderful this trip was for me!  There’s a love for kids that cuts to the core of my soul.  So for the Lord to allow me to go on a mission’s trip to Alaska, to work with kids, was just a dream come true for me! Thank you Lord! From the…

  • McGrath Community Church Mission Work – July 17, 2015

    McGrath Community Church Mission Work – July 17, 2015

    Sorry the blog has not been current, but being in the bush is not always Internet friendly. The home we are staying has a small Internet data limit so I have had to use the library’s “high-speed” Internet, which I might as well have used the house connection! Amazing how the term “high-speed” is defined…

  • Comments from Haley

        Hey everyone! Sorry my thoughts are a little late, but late is better than never ☺️ The group and I had an awesome trip and I thought we had an amazing turn out! I felt very welcomed by all the families that we got to meet. I also enjoyed playing softball Friday and…

  • July 12, 2015 McGrath Community Church Service

    What a beautiful Sunday morning in McGrath, Alaska! A bright sun shining, scattered clouds across a blue sky, and a cool 50 degrees…perfect day for worship in the bush of Alaska. You can truly see the beauty of God in this place! As we rode to church on the four-wheeler, the mountains around McGrath were…

  • Christie Arrives In McGrath

    It has been 2 week since I have this lady, and I was glad to see her get off the plane in McGrath. I am looking forward to our time in McGrath. The Father has some neat plans for our work here. I have to say that this is going to be a major adjustment…

  • McGrath Kids Zone

    McGrath Kids Zone opened this week at McGrath Community Church. The younger kids (ages 5-8) have Kids Zone on Tuesday afternoon, and the older kids (ages 9-12) meet on Thursday afternoon. Kids Zone is similar to VBS but a lot more game oriented and faster pace. I am very excited to be using this to…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – Parting Thoughts

    From early on, this mission trip has been a battle with the enemy. From filling the team, to getting housing and meals finalized, to sickness, to flights messed up, to our flight into McGrath being canceled a day due to hundreds of wildfires burning around the flight path…I think you get the picture! Personally, he…