Category: Alaska

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – July 3 Team Day trip to Prince William Sound

    On Friday morning the team headed out for a day trip to Prince William Sound. We were booked for an excursion in Glacier Bay, and oh what a gorgeous day the Father provided. The drive down Hwy 1 to Whittier was amazing. With the weather so nice and clear, many of the mountains were in…

  • Comments from Jay

    The trip went very well, besides the 8 and 1/2 hours on a single plane. But it was well worth it. The hospitality shown by everyone we encountered was pretty cool. Everybody was just very relaxed about everything. I love the fact that all the kids felt comfortable around Haley and I. I felt like…

  • A few thoughts from an old woman

    First, let me say that God is so good.  He shows us His love and mercy and grace in so many ways. Everywhere we turned as a team, we were reminded of God’s presence on this trip, whether it was His hand in overcoming the enemy’s attempt to thwart our flight plans, or something as…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – July 1 FUN DAY

    The 2nd Annual VBS FUN DAY was a HUGE success. We were blessed with nice weather, unlike last year when it rained and we had 25 kids INSIDE…yea, you moms know what I am talking about! And this year we had 37 kids. We had an awesome show of support from the parents this year…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 30

    Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, BUT whoever drinks of the water I will give him will NEVER be thirsty again!” John 4:13-14 WOW!!! What a day we had Tuesday for our last day of VBS!  The kids came in all pumped up and ready for VBS…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 29

    Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do. Philip replied, “Even if we worked for months, we wouldn’t have enough money to…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 28

    “Oh Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” Psalm 104:24 I was sitting at my desk early this morning praying and going over my message for today when I saw the high grass moving behind the wood shed. I could not see anything…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 27

      Day 1 of VBS was awesome! The kids started coming in early and were ready for an exciting time. We saw lots of kids from last year, and had a few ones. Were really excited to have many older kids, some who did not come last year. We surprised the kids by starting our…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 26

    5:30 am call to PenAir to check on flight to McGrath resulted in a “all systems go” response! That was good news. As I was reading Psalm 41 before we packed up I came to verses 11-12, “By this I know that You delight in me: my enemy will not shout in triumph over me.…

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 25

    “do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses ALL understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 ESV How so true this has been today. Our team arrived…