Category: Alaska

  • Alaska 2015 VBS Mission – June 24

    The team left Wednesday morning and all arrived safely! But not without the enemy raising his ugly head AGAIN! When I checked in at the airport this morning I was told that I have a ticket coming back from Anchorage on September 3rd, but no ticket to Anchorage. After spending 30 minutes on the phone…

  • Final Thoughts – Alaska 2014 VBS

    It has been a few days since getting back home. I have had a chance to reflect back over our time in the village of McGrath, Alaska, and the opportunities we had to minister to the kids. Just a few thoughts to close this mission trip.The word for this trip was “a new work”. For…

  • June 27, 2014 Travel Day

    Leaving McGrath after such an awesome week is very hard. We had such a great time with the kids, and many of the faith family at McGrath Community Church. The church is so awesome. We got all checked in at the airport, and several of the team took the McGrath Museum tour. While some waited…

  • June 26, 2014 VBS Fun Day

    On Thursday we held the first annual VBS Fun Day. We had plans to have a big scavenger hunt but the weather was not co-operating with us. But, the kids came and we huddled together and came up with Plan B! The team has had to make some adjustments to the plans this week, but…

  • June 25, 2014 VBS Day 4

    “A friend loves at all times. He is there when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:7  (NIrV) Is there anyone that you can call a real “friend”? Someone that would be at your side no matter what you were going through? We had an awesome last day of VBS. And what better way to end it than…

  • June 24, 2014 VBS Day 3

    “When you know WHO you are, you know HOW to live!” One of the most profound statements Jesus made is found in John 14:6, “I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE!” From a distance, like one trying to find themselves in God’s Story, it might seem like Jesus is being egotistical. Jesus says…

  • June 23, 2013 VBS Day 2

    WOW…what a day today in VBS! We had 33 kids join us today. We started to get the kids ready for music and they just kept coming! God is so good and moving in the hearts of the kids in McGrath. We were talking with one of the ladies that works in the school and…

  • Sunday June 22, 2014 VBS Day 1

    What a gorgeous day in the bush of Alaska! You should be here…fresh, crisp, cool air and the beauty of the mountains surrounding the village of McGrath, Alaska. God does great work in ALL He does. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm…

  • Saturday June 21, 2014 Getting ready for VBS

    Countdown to VBS has begun! 24 hours and lots of kids will be coming to the McGrath Community Church and “Finding Their Place In God’s Story”. We have a very exciting week planned. We talked to a lot of kids today and they are excited about coming. Today their was a “Fun Day In The…

  • Friday June 20, 2014

    Greetings from McGrath, Alaska! What a beautiful day it has been. We had a nice flight from Anchorage this morning. However, due to the clouds we did not get to see much of the mountains. While we were waiting on our luggage to be unloaded Pastor Wayne said it had been raining for several days,…