Category: Alaska

  • Thursday June 19, 2014 Long Day – Good Night

    After a very long flight from Dallas to Anchorage we finally arrived and got settled in at the Casey (Jerry and Jan). What a beautiful view coming into Anchorage!    We grabbed a bit to eat and did all our shopping for VBS snacks and of course more munchies! We are all ready to get…

  • Thursday June 19, 2014. A Little Delay To Start The Day

    Well, we were all on time to the airport, but apparently the aircraft mechanic did not do his thing last night….so we did not leave as scheduled! There was a mad dash to the ticket counter to get rebooked! Needless to say, most everyone had tight connections in Dallas. When I finally got to the…

  • Hello Alabama!

    We have made it back to sweet home Alabama!!  Thank you all so much for keeping up with us and praying for us! Love you all! Blessings, Bush Alaska Missions 

  • Dallas!

    We have made it to Dallas! We fly out to Montgomery at 8:45 AM!  Praise The Lord!! See you soon Alabama! Blessings, Bush Alaska Missions 

  • Lower 48!!

    We just landed in Seattle! Great flight! We leave for Dallas at 11:50 PM!  Keep praying prayer warriors! Blessings,  Bush Alaska Missions

  • Last hours in Alaska

    We have made it through security and are awaiting our flight to Seattle!  Yesterday we had an incredible day trip to Seward! Saw lots of wildlife, glaciers, and beautiful mountains!  We saw puffins, sea otters, sea lions, tons of birds, humpback whales, moose, bear, and killer whales! Here’s the best picture we got for the…

  • Blog Time!!!

    Sorry for the delay! We have been going going going!  Updates: Parsonage! Check out how much work these guys got done! They’re so awesome!  Our Tim worked so hard! And he always remembered to take his vitamins!  We were extremely sad, some more than others, to leave our new community. After a week all of…

  • We’re Back!!!

    Well, should we say back to Anchorage! Our flight was great! Real post later! Blessings, Bush Alaska Missions 

  • The Finally

    VBS has come to an end. It is so sad to think it might be an entire year before we see these kiddos again, or ever. BUT, we are NOT fixing to get all sappy. Today is a glorious day! Day 5 went great! We prepared everyone for Parent’s Night and made some super legit…

  • Day 4…. I think.

      Today is day 4. Right?  Everything is starting to run together!! We are all starting to get a little tired, but it is a good, been working hard, kind of tired.   VBS was great today!! Music, bible story, rec, and craft! The whole nine yards was wonderful. All of the kids are starting…