Starting in January 2016, an exciting new part of the children’s ministry at McGrath Community Church will begin. It is called K4G (Kids 4 God). This ministry is for 1st grade to 6th grade boys and girls. Weekly there will be a high-powered, fast pace Bible Club with awesome music, high def videos and the INCREDIBLE Word of God. One or two days a week there will be an after school mentoring time where the kids can come by and get help with homework, or hang out and talk with the leaders.
Check back after the first of the year for updates and pictures. If you would like to help sponsor the “K4G” Club we would appreciate it very much. The things we need most are snack items, powder drinks, hard candy for prizes, kick balls (send deflated of course). I am looking for an earth ball. It is a very LARGE ball that the kids can play with outside (when the weather permitting). If you would like to help you can send via postal post (Priority Mail) to Mike Mason, P.O. Box 27, McGrath, AK 99627.